Episode #62 Digital Decluttering

Technology is our life line, keeping us connected and informed, but you can have too much of a good thing. Don’t let it overwhelm…

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Episode #61 What You Make It Mean

Are you a pessimist or an optimist? When things go wrong what do you make it mean? Do you interpret setbacks…

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Episode #60 The One Thing

Is multi-tasking serving you? If you’re tempted to respond with a triumphant “yes” to this question, I hear you! For many of us,…

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Episode #59 The Comfort Enclosure

Not many of us have been feeling comfortable lately. With COVID19 turning our lives upside down, discomfort has become the norm and we’re…

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Episode #58 This Too Shall Pass

One of the things that has sustained me through this time of waiting and uncertainty, is an old adage I first came…

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Episode #57 Let It Go

The freedom to move around, eat at restaurants, go on holiday, visit your friends and family; the freedom to have someone else educate…

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Episode #56 Become An Expert

With talk of easing lockdown restrictions in some countries, it’s time to turn our attention to what happens next. You’ve probably been pondering…

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Episode #55 Living Your Why

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how” – Friedrich Nietzsche This week I am talking about your Why:…

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Episode #54 What Are You Assuming?

What are you assuming during these uncertain times? That your career has stalled? That your partner is wrong? That the Coronavirus has…

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Episode #53 How To Talk To Yourself

“You are SUCH an idiot! How could you have been so STUPID? What is WRONG with you???” Most of you wouldn’t…

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