Be The First

“Thoughtful, provocative, challenging. Caroline uses storytelling to help us all understand the issue of imposter syndrome. She unpacks it and gives concrete solutions.”
Amanda M-L

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Imposter Syndrome is different for people of colour.

You don’t just feel like an imposter, you are one. For your white peers and colleagues, Imposter syndrome is an internal battle against self doubt. But for you, Imposter syndrome is also an external battle against systemic bias. It’s like fighting a war on two fronts.

I challenge you to step up

You’re the only one in the room. There are almost no leaders who look like you. The system is broken, and it needs to change. But in this book, I challenge you to step into the arena and play your part.

I’ve learned how to win

I’ve always been an imposter. I know what it’s like to feel like a fraud, think your success is down to luck and fear being exposed. From being the only black girl at an all white school, through to being the only one in meetings at a top City law firm and beyond, I’ve faced bias in all its forms. But I’ve learned how to win.

The Imposter Speech®

After years of unsuccessfully battling Imposter Syndrome, I discovered how to make it my strength and I’m here to share that with you. I devised a powerful tool that gives you instant courage, lasting confidence and shines a spotlight on your value. That tool is the Imposter Speech™.

A step by step guide to creating your Imposter Speech®

Be The First provides a step by step guide on how to create your own Imposter Speech™ so that you can truly succeed. Not only will you rise to challenges differently, your whole relationship with yourself will change. You’ll stop waiting for an unjust system to change. You’ll no longer be the only one in the room. This book will empower you to be the first.