Episode #47 How to progress when you’re the Only One

In this Masterclass I give you practical advice for progressing your career that you can implement immediately. I cover everything you need to navigate the…

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Episode #46 Stop Procrastinating Your Goal

Are you letting your career dreams gather dust on the shelf of “someday”? Do you feel a nagging sense of dissatisfaction with where you are…

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Episode #45 Racial Resilience

You walk into a meeting and immediately feel self-conscious. You scan the room, and it hits you – you’re the only person of colour,…

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Episode #44 Growing in the face of feedback

Do you crumple in the face of negative feedback? Instead of seeing negative feedback as a gift for…

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Episode #43 Creating time for Business Development

Are you constantly remembering that you need to do more business development to build your business case for partnership,…

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Episode #42 Working Twice As Hard

Think you have to work twice as hard as your white colleagues, to level the playing field and progress your…

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Episode #41 Morning Mastery

Are you squandering your mornings? ⏰ The time between waking up and sitting down to get to work is the most valuable part of…

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Episode #40 Stay in the game

How do you make partner when your billings are low? Stay in the game! The biggest threat to your partnership…

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Episode #39 Stop consuming. Start implementing!

Posts, reels, videos, trainings, webinars, podcasts, seminars, conferences, workshops, lunch-and-learns and programs (Phew 😮‍💨 ) So much to learn. So…

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Episode #38 Saying no to good opportunities

Just because the opportunity in front of you is a good one, doesn’t mean you should say no to…

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