Episode #37 Saying yes (when you should have said no)

Have you ever found yourself saying ‘yes’ when deep down you knew you should have said…

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Episode #36 Regulate the pressure

Does it feel like you’re drowning? Are you feeling a mounting pressure to be always “on”? No wonder you’re feeling overwhelmed,…

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Episode #35 Real Progress

Are you thinking “To get promoted I have to work twice as hard”? Is the thought of working twice as hard putting…

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Episode #34 Keep Progressing!

If you think success is all about achieving your goals, think again. Real success comes from a belief in the value of…

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Episode #33 Masterclass Replay- How to progress when you’re the only one

You can progress when you’re the only one. It doesn’t have to be exhausting.…

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Episode #32 Thank goodness they found me

So many clients come to me wanting to progress but at the same time feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed.…

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Episode #31 Intentional Leadership

“I want to be a better manager and leader than the Partner who lead me” is not a way to lead. It’s…

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Legal Imposters Podcast with Caroline Flanagan - Emotions you are willing to feel

Episode #30 What emotions are you willing to feel?

What’s holding you back isn’t the not knowing what to do. In most cases, you already know…

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Episode #29 Plan the week, adapt the day

Just because you can’t control everything in your day, doesn’t mean you can’t control anything. In this episode…

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Episode #28 Dismissing feedback

The one bit of feedback you choose to ignore could be the reason you don’t get promoted this year. It can be hard…

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