Episode #27 Keep doing what’s working

Right now, not knowing what’s working is costing you. 👉🏾You’re wasting time and energy on things that AREN’T progressing your…

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Episode #26 Asking for help

Promotion isn’t everything. Sometimes, career progression is as simple and life changing as asking for help instead of doing it all yourself.…

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Episode #25 “I’ve done all I can”

Hello Legal Imposters listeners – I’ve had a six-month break from the podcast, and I’m so excited to be back! Today, I’m diving into a limiting thought…

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Episode #24 What is Coaching

What is coaching? What sort of coaching should you choose? How does it work and how can it help you progress your career? Let’s go back to…

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Episode #23 Knowing Your Value

  Adding value is important. It’s what you’re paid for and it’s how you attract opportunities. But how do you add value when you question your right…

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Episode #22 Exercising When Busy with Holly Aldridge PT

Do you struggle to find time for exercise? One of the common mistakes I see is not making your health and in particular exercise a priority. I get…

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Episode #21 Unnatural Networking with Charlie Lawson

“You don’t have to like networking to be good at it ” So says Charlie Lawson, the Unnatural Networker and my guest this week on the Legal Imposters…

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Episode #20 Building Connection

  Connection. You can’t build a relationship without it. With some people it’s just easy. You meet, you talk, you hit it off immediately. But if you want…

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Episode #19 Intentional Networking

In this episode, I introduce you to the concept of Intentional Networking and its role in building the relationships you need for career success. First I talk about…

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Episode #18 Finding A Mentor

This week on the podcast I talk about mentors and the role they play in helping you move forward in your life and/or…

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