Episode #17 What Being Visible Will Require Of You

Being visible is a core essential for career progression. It’s how people get to know who you are It’s…

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Episode #15 Celebrate The Wins

  No matter how much you achieve, your confidence never grows. Why is that? The problem isn’t that you’re not doing enough or achieving enough. It’s that you’re…

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Episode #14 Stop Winging It

Flying by the seat of your pants. Pulling it out of the bag at the last minute. Fire fighting. Hustling to get it done. It may sound exciting…

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Episode #13 Delegate more

You must delegate more. If you’re doing everything yourself, this is a clear sign you’re overworking, which means work is taking longer than it should. I can help…

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Episode #12 Excessively Checking Your Work

Stop excessively checking your work! Every excess minute you spend checking is a minute you don’t have available to manage your workload, spend time with friends and family…

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Episode #11 Stop labouring over emails!

Labouring over emails is a form of overworking that shows your work is taking longer than it should. This is creating more stress and overwhelm in your career,…

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Episode #8 Achieve your 2023 fitness goals

So you want to get fit for 2023! So you join a new gym or renew your old membership. You find a new form of exercise you’re convinced…

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Episode #7 Masterclass: How To Make Imposter Syndrome Your Strength

Think Imposter Syndrome is your weakness?
 Think again Feeling like a fraud. Thinking your success is down to luck. Worrying that any minute now you’re going to be exposed. Welcome…

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Episode #6 Make Imposter Syndrome Your Strength

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Hey Legal Imposters! Today I’m offering you the opportunity to PRE-ENROL for the January 2023 class of Imposter Syndrome Coaching.  Doors open to everyone (as long as they’re…

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Episode #5 The 4 Pillars of Career Progression 

Why do you need to change the way you think about career progression goals? Many of you HAVE no career progression goals at all. You’re floating along You have no…

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