Episode #23 Knowing Your Value


Adding value is important. It’s what you’re paid for and it’s how you attract opportunities.

But how do you add value when you question your right to be there or feel you have nothing to contribute?

Not having confidence in the value you bring is frustrating and unsettling. It keeps you stuck in your own head. It’s why you’re quiet in meetings. It’s why you question your role, doubt yourself for the next promotion and even think about quitting. And when your brain is busy with all this, adding value just gets harder and harder.

You think the problem is not having anything to contribute.

But it’s simply because you haven’t stopped for long enough to recognise where you are and understand the value you bring.

So all you need to do to ADD value, is KNOW your value in the first place.

In Episode 23 of the Legal Imposters Podcast I show you how. I give you the simple steps to knowing your value and being able to contribute in every room.

If you struggle to add value to meetings or team discussions or worry that you don’t have anything to contribute, this episode is for you.

P.S. If you’re a black or minority ethnic lawyer and you’re worried you’re not contributing, let’s talk. Book a free consultation with me now to discover how Be The First coaching can help. Click HERE to book into my calendar.