Episode #56 Become An Expert

With talk of easing lockdown restrictions in some countries, it’s time to turn our attention to what happens next. You’ve probably been pondering how the world will be different. But the question I want you to consider is, how will you be different? In this episode, I share the reasons why you should become an expert – at something. Anything! A career-related specialism, a personal hobby or passion, it doesn’t matter what it is. It only matters that you get to experience the benefits of focusing on one thing and progressing it to a higher level. One of the upsides of COVID-19 is our renewed focus on what’s important – with health and relationships topping the list. But happiness is up there too. And that’s where building your expertise comes in. The quest to become an expert brings a myriad of benefits. A tangible boost to your happiness is just one of them. Enjoy!