Episode #60 The One Thing

Is multi-tasking serving you? If you’re tempted to respond with a triumphant “yes” to this question, I hear you! For many of us, especially those who are homeschooling children, the experience of lockdown has made multi-tasking seem more essential than ever. But is it? You may feel that you’re able to do more, but when … Continued

Episode #59 The Comfort Enclosure

Not many of us have been feeling comfortable lately. With COVID19 turning our lives upside down, discomfort has become the norm and we’re all desperate to get back to some sort of normality so we can all be comfortable again. But when that time comes, don’t get too comfortable! You’ve heard of the Comfort Zone … Continued

Episode #58 This Too Shall Pass

One of the things that has sustained me through this time of waiting and uncertainty, is an old adage I first came across in a book of inspirational quotes given to me by my school friend Monette. It served me well when I was 15, and has worked well for me many times since: This … Continued

Episode #57 Let It Go

The freedom to move around, eat at restaurants, go on holiday, visit your friends and family; the freedom to have someone else educate your kids! These are some of the things we’ve been forced to let go of as a result of lockdown. These are all wonderful things. They are things that serve you and … Continued

Episode #56 Become An Expert

With talk of easing lockdown restrictions in some countries, it’s time to turn our attention to what happens next. You’ve probably been pondering how the world will be different. But the question I want you to consider is, how will you be different? In this episode, I share the reasons why you should become an … Continued

Episode #55 Living Your Why

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how” – Friedrich Nietzsche This week I am talking about your Why: the things you need in your life in order to feel happy and fulfilled. This is what matters most. When you’re constantly busy and it feels as though there aren’t enough hours … Continued

Episode #54 What Are You Assuming?

What are you assuming during these uncertain times? That your career has stalled? That your partner is wrong? That the Coronavirus has ruined everything? We all make assumptions. It’s a highly efficient strategy for navigating our way through the day. But when assumptions are driven by fear or any other emotion, they are often misleading, … Continued

Episode #53 How To Talk To Yourself

“You are SUCH an idiot! How could you have been so STUPID? What is WRONG with you???” Most of you wouldn’t dream of talking to someone you loved in such a critical, judgemental undermining way. So why direct this type of judgment and criticism at yourself? This week I’m discussing self-talk – the words, tone, … Continued

Episode #52 Thought Drama

‘Thought drama’ refers to the repetitive, unproductive cycles of thinking that is keeping you stuck. It’s not thinking that’s the problem. It’s our lack of control or discipline over it. When we don’t have discipline and focus in our thinking, we often end up over dramatising. We shift into negative or distorted thought patterns where … Continued

Episode #51 The FONK

This week I’m introducing you to the FONK! You’ve heard of FOMO – the fear of missing out. The FONK is also a fear. But instead of being the fear of missing out, this is the fear of not knowing. The FONK is a common cause of stress and anxiety in many a high achiever … Continued