Episode #74: Prepare For Your Next Off Day

When you wake up feeling listless and demotivated, what do you do?

We all have “off days” – those days when we’re off our game, or just not feeling it.

The problem is that off days can sneak up on us without warning and for no particular reason, sapping our energy and enthusiasm and leaving us feeling frustrated that we’re not operating at our usual level. This can be a real challenge when we’re still expected to show up and perform.

The good news is, your off days don’t have to be a write off. In episode 74 of the podcast, I discuss why off days are important and I share practical ideas for using these days as an opportunity to press the reset button.

I’ve found the best way to deal with off days, is to be prepared for them before they come. You never know when your next off day will be. But when you’ve listened to this episode, you’ll know exactly what to do when it does.