Episode #76: Consistency Is Key

What one thing could you be doing more consistently right now, to get better results?

We’re all good at being consistent, some of the time! When it comes to actions like brushing our teeth we all know the importance of being consistent if we want the right results (healthy teeth and fewer trips to the dentist!).

But when it comes to creating other results in our life, we forget how powerful it can be to take small actions consistently over time.

In episode 76 of the podcast, I discuss why consistency is key to creating the results you want.  I share the areas of my life where I have been really consistent and created amazing results (writing my second book, a 3 year weekly blog, 4 years of an energising and grounding morning routine and 31 days – and counting – of Ashtanga yoga), and the areas in my life where I am being inconsistent and so missing out on great results (reading, this podcast!).  Then I share my tips on how to introduce more consistency into your life so you achieve bigger and better goals with less effort.

In this episode:

  • 5 reasons consistency is key
  • 4 common mistakes that stop you being consistent
  • 6 tips for taking more consistent action

Mentioned in this episode:

  • The Compound Effect
  • Episode 34: All Or Nothing Thinking
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
  • Small Habits Revolution by Damon Zahariades