Build Confidence that Lasts

There are a lot of people telling you how to get rid of your Imposter Syndrome so you can be more confident. So you try it all: Faking it. Power posing. Telling yourself you DESERVE to be here. Convincing yourself your success ISN’T down to luck. Reminding yourself HOW HARD YOU WORKED to get here. … Continued

Just Get Started

  According to one study, the average person has between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts a day. Another study puts the number at 70,000. A third says it’s 6200. How many thoughts you have a day isn’t the point. The point is how many of those thoughts are holding you back and what you are doing … Continued

Trust That You Are Enough

  How would it feel to show up to work today trusting that you are enough? What would you do? Let’s start with what you wouldn’t do: When you look at your flooded inbox and the left-overs from yesterday’s to-do list, you wouldn’t panic. You wouldn’t feel overwhelmed and stressed and start telling yourself it’s … Continued

People Believing in You

Which would you choose – a boss who believes in you, or one who doesn’t? Stupid question, right? Who wouldn’t want a boss who believes in them? But when you have Imposter Syndrome, the choice isn’t quite as simple. On the one hand, to have a boss who believes in you would be brilliant. To … Continued

You Create Your Own Luck

One of the worst things about Imposter Syndrome is thinking your success is down to luck. It’s a horrible feeling, especially when you’ve just been promoted or moved up a level. At first you feel great. But then doubt starts to creep in. You worked hard. You’re more experienced. But Imposter Syndrome doesn’t care about the … Continued

Don’t compare…

Comparing yourself to others is normal. We do it without thinking. So if you’re feeling frustrated and angry because a colleague with the same PQE as you has just been promoted, I get it. The problem with normal and doing things without thinking is that often it comes at a cost. It’s normal to want to … Continued

Do you enjoy it?

I love asking my clients what they like about being a lawyer. They light up. “I like that it’s intellectually challenging” “I enjoy solving complex problems” “It’s great working with clever people” “The team, the camaraderie is so brilliant, even when it’s the worst transaction” “I like that there’s the opportunity to progress” “I like … Continued

Sunday Night Dreads?

Do you ever get the Sunday Night Dreads? It’s a feeling of unease about the week ahead that surfaces on Sunday morning and grows into suffocating anxiety towards the end of the day. You know you have the Sunday Night Dreads when your weekends are hijacked by thoughts like: I’ve got too much to do … Continued

Failure Tolerance

Barely a day goes by when I don’t encounter some form of failure. Yesterday my tech failed on an important call with a client. The day before I missed the deadline for applying for after school activities for my sons. Last week I pitched to a potential client. They said no. These are just some … Continued

Excessively checking your work

When it comes to checking your work, how many of these resonate with you? Checking your work always takes you longer than you expected Checking your work makes you feel stressed and anxious You never actively complete a piece of work, you just keep checking until you run out of time Checking a piece of … Continued