People Believing in You

Which would you choose – a boss who believes in you, or one who doesn’t?

Stupid question, right? Who wouldn’t want a boss who believes in them?

But when you have Imposter Syndrome, the choice isn’t quite as simple. On the one hand, to have a boss who believes in you would be brilliant. To feel valued. To get positive feedback. To be told you have great potential. It sounds amazing!

On the other hand, your problem is that having a boss who believes in you, is a trigger for your Imposter Syndrome:

What if I let them down?
What if they are wrong about me?
How do they know what my potential is?
Don’t they realise this is all down to luck?
And worst of all:
This time, for sure, they’re going to find me out.

This is classic overthinking – that negative thought spiral you go into when your Imposter Syndrome is triggered, which can last hours, days, or take up permanent residence in your brain. It wastes time, distracts you, and keeps you feeling anxious and afraid, making it really hard for you to perform at your highest level.

It shouldn’t be like this.

When your boss (or anyone for that matter) tells you they believe in you, you should feel proud, not anxious. When you’re told you have great potential, you should feel excited by the possibilities, not stressed by the pressures.

Other people’s belief in you shouldn’t reveal anything new to you. It should confirm what you already know.

This level of self belief is easier to achieve than you think. Forget the confidence tricks, their effects never last. Say no to quick fixes, they are no match for Imposter Syndrome. Just do this one thing:
Solve your Imposter Syndrome.

Your Imposter Syndrome isn’t a problem you need to fix. It’s the puzzle you need to solve to reveal who you are and the value you bring. Solving it will tell you everything you need to know:

  • You are uniquely valuable.
  • You are deeply resourceful.
  • You have great potential.

How would it feel to show up to work next week trusting at your deepest level that all of this were true? Knowing that other people’s belief in you matched your belief in yourself?
Happy Friday,


P.S. You can solve your Imposter Syndrome on your own by making time to explore who you are. If this sounds a little vague and fluffy to you, join the Imposter Speech Programme. It’s a practical process where I help you solve your Imposter Syndrome in 3 practical steps. Enrolment for the next programme starts on 10th March. Don’t miss out. Register here to ensure you don’t miss the details.