Don’t get out

{{ first_name }} When one partner’s mistreatment of you feels like a coordinated attack When you experience it like a full blown persecution When everywhere you turn feels like a…

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Caroline Flanagan_ Be The First

Intentional Leadership

“I want to be a better manager and leader than the Partner who lead me” is not a way to lead. It’s a style of leadership which will leave you…

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Legal Imposters Podcast with Caroline Flanagan - Emotions you are willing to feel

What emotions are you willing to feel?

What’s holding you back isn’t the not knowing what to do It’s the resistance to doing it because of the emotions you’re afraid to feel. You’ve had the feedback. You…

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Asking for help

Promotion isn’t everything. Sometimes, career progression is as simple and life changing as asking for help instead of doing it all yourself. So you stop feeling overwhelmed and stressed. So…

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Find Your Story

You are a legal imposter. Your Imposter Syndrome is legit. Your Imposter Syndrome is meant to be there. It was never supposed to hold you back. Imposter Syndrome is there…

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Don’t Make Being a Lawyer Harder Than it Needs to be

Being a lawyer won’t get easier by itself. You must progress your career in order to make it easier Don’t wait until you have time. Don’t postpone it because you…

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No One Can Throw You Under The Bus

No one can throw you under the bus, except you. The bus is the bus. How you react when it comes, is up to you. When you tell yourself you’ve…

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You Can Change This

Consistent lateness. Always feeling rushed. Disorganised. Overwhelmed. Feeling like you have no control. This has been going on so long now you think it’s who you are. You think it’s…

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Nothing’s Gone Wrong

Nothing’s gone wrong. It is just taking longer than you expected. To earn their trust. To win their support. To get the recognition you deserve. It IS happening. Just not…

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What’s Your Story

There’s no such thing as a difficult past. There’s only the story you choose to tell about it. Keep telling the story of struggle and all the things that were…

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