Feast or Famine

Feast or famine?

If I had a pound for every time I’ve heard a lawyer say “it’s either feast or famine!” I’d be able to upgrade my entire Autumn/Winter wardrobe. It’s an expression…

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Gloved hand holding a bag of rubbish

It doesn’t really count

One of my clients, who is a Counsel, wants to be promoted to partner. During a recent coaching session she said something very revealing: “Being a Counsel doesn’t really count”…

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Starting afresh

Starting afresh

Happy to be back? I am! This is, by far, my favourite time of  year. Those rare and glorious Indian summer days. The feeling, during those first days of a…

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Banana and a mirror

How do you see yourself?

Is your self-concept out of date? Self-concept – the way you see yourself – may not be something you think about consciously, but it is a key factor in your…

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