Starting afresh

Happy to be back? I am! This is, by far, my favourite time of  year. Those rare and glorious Indian summer days. The feeling, during those first days of a new school year, of starting afresh. After a surprisingly amazing summer, I feel energised and excited and filled with possibility. I have decided the last quarter of 2021 is going to be phenomenal for me. It can be phenomenal for you too you know, if you decide you want it to be.

This summer I did something I haven’t done in a very long time – holiday on my own. I spent one whole decadent week on the Greek island of Mykonos. No kids. No Paul. No friends. Just me myself and I.

It was amazing.

If you’re someone who thinks holidaying on your own is a sad and lonely affair to be avoided at all costs, think again. It is one of the most powerful things you can do.

Mykonos is beautiful and fun (and expensive!). But for all its beauty, it wasn’t the island that made my holiday, it was me: the time I spent with myself, the attention I gave myself and the things I rediscovered about myself that I’d forgotten. I made my relationship with myself a priority and it was just brilliant.

Choosing to spend time on your own is powerful because of what it tells you about the most important relationship you’ll ever have: the relationship you have with yourself.  When this relationship is strong, you don’t need external validation to feel valued.  You don’t need to overthink and second guess yourself. You don’t need to overwork and be endlessly chasing perfection.

You know who you are. You know what you do. And you know the value you bring with a level of certainty that produces extraordinary results.

Tune into episode 102 to hear me talk about the importance of choosing to spend time on your own every now and then and, if you can’t quite make it to Mykonos this year, a host of other ways you can experience the same results.