Episode #39 Stop consuming. Start implementing!

Posts, reels, videos, trainings, webinars, podcasts, seminars, conferences, workshops, lunch-and-learns and programs (Phew 😮‍💨 ) So much to learn. So many different ways to learn it. But consuming content on its own is not enough. If you want…

Episode #38 Saying no to good opportunities

Just because the opportunity in front of you is a good one, doesn’t mean you should say no to it! I know this sounds counter-intuitive. Why would I NOT accept a good opportunity? I hear you ask. The answer: when the opportunity in question is going to…

Episode #37 Saying yes (when you should have said no)

Have you ever found yourself saying ‘yes’ when deep down you knew you should have said ‘no’? In this episode, I delve into this common predicament and offer you insights and actionable advice to help you recover from unintentional commitments. Whether…

Episode #36 Regulate the pressure

Does it feel like you’re drowning? Are you feeling a mounting pressure to be always “on”? No wonder you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted. Right now all of this feels out of your control. But there’s a way to feel calm under pressure and…

Episode #35 Real Progress

Are you thinking “To get promoted I have to work twice as hard”? Is the thought of working twice as hard putting you off progressing to the next level? Are your currently working twice as hard because you think it’s the only way to get promoted? If…

Episode #34 Keep Progressing!

If you think success is all about achieving your goals, think again. Real success comes from a belief in the value of progress and a commitment to keep progressing for the entirety of your career and beyond. One of the common mistakes I see people…

Episode #32 Thank goodness they found me

So many clients come to me wanting to progress but at the same time feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed. When I think about the pressure they face and how their lives and careers are different as a result of the work we are doing together all…

Episode #31 Intentional Leadership

“I want to be a better manager and leader than the Partner who lead me” is not a way to lead.  It’s a style of leadership which will leave you people pleasing and over sheltering your team in a way that serves neither them nor you.  In this…

Episode #30 What emotions are you willing to feel?

What’s holding you back isn’t the not knowing what to do. In most cases, you already know this. It’s the resistance you have to doing it because of the emotions you’re afraid you are going to feel. Emotions like: Fear. Awkwardness….