Episode #49 Always have a progression goal

Are you feeling directionless in your legal career?  Do you feel like you’re just going through the motions day after day? Bored. Unchallenged. Stuck. Without a clear progression goal, your career can feel like it’s happening to you rather than…

Episode #48 Is BE THE FIRST for you?

You’re tired of waiting for your firm or organization to change—to become more diverse, inclusive, and understanding.   You want to stop waiting and start leading your career towards the success you deserve.   That’s why you…

Episode #47 How to progress when you’re the Only One

In this Masterclass I give you practical advice for progressing your career that you can implement immediately. I cover everything you need to navigate the challenges of being the only one so you progress your career in 6 months. Discover everything…

Episode #46 Stop Procrastinating Your Goal

Are you letting your career dreams gather dust on the shelf of “someday”?  Do you feel a nagging sense of dissatisfaction with where you are professionally, but find yourself constantly putting off the actions needed to change it?   You…

Episode #45 Racial Resilience

Have you ever walked into a meeting and felt a sudden wave of self-consciousness?  You scan the room, and it hits you – you’re the only person of color, the only one from a different background.   There are a few people who look like…

Episode #44 Growing in the face of feedback

Do you crumple in the face of negative feedback?  Instead of seeing negative feedback as a gift for growth, you see it as a personal attack on your abilities.   You blame the person who gave you the feedback.   And worse, you…

Episode #43 Creating time for Business Development

Are you constantly remembering that you need to do more business development to build your business case for partnership, but you don’t actually do it? You know that you need and should be building your business case and meeting new…

Episode #42 Working Twice As Hard

Think you have to work twice as hard as your white colleagues, to level the playing field and progress your career? This thought leaves you frustrated and resentful and puts you in the dangerous territory of overworking – doing more work that adds…

Episode #41 Morning Mastery

Are you squandering your mornings? ⏰ The time between waking up and sitting down to get to work is the most valuable part of your day. But you’re not using it that way. You’re going through the motions You are stuck in a routine Every day feels…

Episode #40 Stay in the game

How do you make partner when your billings are low? Stay in the game! The biggest threat to your partnership bid isn’t your low billable hours. It’s Checking Out. Checking Out happens when you’ve decided you’re unlikely to be promoted where you…