Episode #29 Plan the week, adapt the day

Just because you can’t control everything in your day, doesn’t mean you can’t control anything. In this episode I explore the thoughts we like to believe about time and how little control we have over it. I explain how thinking you have no control is…

Episode #28 Dismissing feedback

  The one bit of feedback you choose to ignore could be the reason you don’t get promoted this year. It can be hard to receive feedback, especially when that feedback is negative, or something we don’t agree with, or it comes from someone we…

Episode #27 Keep doing what’s working

Right now, not knowing what’s working is costing you: 👉🏾You’re wasting time and energy on things that AREN’T progressing your career. 👉🏾You’re busy looking for new and shiny solutions “out there” which distract you from what’s already…

Episode #26 Asking for help

The workload. The boss who leaves it all to you. The client who makes endless demands. When you add that to all you’ve got going on at home, it feel’s a lot. When you do everything yourself, it IS a lot. But when you’re willing to ask for help, all of…

Episode #25 “I’ve done all I can”

Hello Legal Imposters listeners – I’ve had a six-month break from the podcast, and I’m so excited to be back!   Today, I’m diving into a limiting thought that is keeping you stuck: “I’ve done all I can.” I’ll share how this mindset can lead us…

Episode #24 What is Coaching

What is coaching? What sort of coaching should you choose? How does it work and how can it help you progress your career? Let’s go back to basics. In this podcast episode, I give you all the information you need to make an informed decision about…

Episode #23 Knowing Your Value

Adding value is important. It’s what you’re paid for and it’s how you attract opportunities. But how do you add value when you question your right to be there or feel you have nothing to contribute? Not having confidence in the value you bring is…

Episode #22 Exercising When Busy with Holly Aldridge PT

Do you struggle to find time for exercise? One of the common mistakes I see is not making your health and in particular exercise a priority. I get it. Life is busy. Work is demanding. Sometimes exhausting. You work long hours. There aren’t enough…

Episode #21 Unnatural Networking with Charlie Lawson

“You don’t have to like networking to be good at it ” So says Charlie Lawson, the Unnatural Networker and my guest this week on the Legal Imposters Podcast. Charlie is the ex-BNI boss and unnatural networking expert with 2 books to his name on doing…

Episode #20 Building Connection

Connection. You can’t build a relationship without it. With some people it’s just easy. You meet, you talk, you hit it off immediately. But if you want to get ahead in your legal career you can’t rely on the effortless connection you form with…