Episode #130 Progression Series Part 3: More Confidence

Welcome to the Progression Series: 4 podcasts in which I challenge the myth that career progression is only about promotions and pay rises. I introduce you to the 4 pillars…

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Episode #129 Progression Series Part 2: More Recognition

Welcome to the Progression Series: 4 podcasts in which I challenge the myth that career progression is only about promotions and pay rises. I introduce you to the 4 pillars…

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Episode #128: Progression Series Part 1: Better Balance

Welcome to the Progression Series: 4 podcasts in which I challenge the myth that career progression is only about promotions and pay rises. I introduce you to the 4 pillars…

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Episode #127 Make Lawyering Easier

Being a lawyer is hard, right? This is the received wisdom about the law profession. It’s hard to get into There are high expectations and exacting standards when you get…

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Episode #126 Keeping Calm

As a lawyer with Imposter Syndrome, the idea of feeling calm at work might seem like sheer fantasy. When you feel like a fraud, that your success is down to…

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Episode #125 Imposter Syndrome Triggers 

How do you know when your Imposter Syndrome is being triggered? Perhaps you experience the classic Imposter Syndrome feelings – that you are a fraud, that your success is down…

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Episode #124 Earned Confidence

Confidence – if only we had been born with it! But confidence isn’t something you’re born with. It isn’t innate. It’s earned. Earned confidence is the confidence you get from…

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Episode #123 
How To Walk Into Any Room 

Do you avoid in-person networking events unless they are compulsory? Or attend and only speak to people you know or people more junior than you? When you have Imposter Syndrome,…

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Episode #122 Speak Up in Meetings

You are outgoing in your personal life. But put you in a meeting at work and you barely say a word. You’re so quiet, you don’t recognise yourself Not speaking…

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Episode #121 The Four Horsemen

You may have heard of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, characters from the Old Testament book of Revelation who are sent by God to bring conquest, war, famine and…

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