There’s no such thing as a difficult past. There’s only the story you choose to tell about it.
Keep telling the story of struggle and all the things that were hard or unfair and that’s the story you’ll keep living. It’s the future you’ll keep creating.
You think there’s only one truth about what happened in the past.
But there’s only the version you have chosen and have decided to hold onto.
And this is the version that’s holding you back.
The story of how you got here isn’t about what happened, it’s about who you were when things got hard. It’s the story of your courage and determination. The decisions you made with the information you had available. The challenges you overcame and how resourceful you had to be.
This is the backstory you can choose to live right now.
When you’re in a meeting feeling anxious about not knowing enough, your backstory brings you the courage to speak up.
When you’re invited to deliver a training but you’re afraid of being visible, it helps you be bold.
When you’re abandoned on a deal and are feeling out of your depth, it reminds you of how resourceful you know how to be. How good you are at figuring things out.
The story of how you got here is more about your future than your past. Be intentional about how you think about it. Choose the one that serves you.

P.S. In Imposter Syndrome Coaching we work together to choose the backstory that serves you. The next enrolment is coming soon. Join the waitlist here.