Episode #47 Set Yourself Up For Failure

How often have you avoided setting an ambitious goal or seizing an opportunity because you didn’t want to set yourself up for failure? I hear it all the time, and it drives me a little crazy!

In this episode, I talk about what it means when you use ‘I don’t want to set myself up for failure’ as a reason to stay where you are, settle for what you have and avoid stretching and challenging yourself… all because you’re afraid to fail. It means you’re still viewing failure as negative, as something to be avoided at all costs, instead of what it truly is: as an opportunity to grow.

Coming up in this episode:

  • If you don’t risk failure, you don’t grow and you’ll never know
  • Why failure is the key to unlocking your potential
  • Why failure is the answer to so many of the challenges in your life right now
  • Why reaching your goal is not nearly as important as who you become on the way to achieving it

Mentioned in this episode: