Episode #44 Growing in the face of feedback

Do you crumple in the face of negative feedback?

Instead of seeing negative feedback as a gift for growth, you see it as a personal attack on your abilities.

You blame the person who gave you the feedback.

And worse, you dwell on old negative feedback and still get upset when you think about it. 😤

Stop resisting.

Feedback isn’t your enemy, It’s a roadmap to improvement.

In this episode, I teach you how you can receive negative feedback effectively by:

🌟 Never making it about you: The feedback is not about you as a person, it’s about a specific piece of work or behaviour.

💖 Processing your emotions: Allow yourself to feel the initial discomfort so you can move on and focus on what you can learn. Don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment.

🔍 Taking a closer look: Look at the feedback objectively and identify the areas where you can improve. Is there a grain of truth in it? Then reframe it as a chance to learn and grow.

🚀 Taking action: Decide what you will keep doing and what you will change based on the feedback. Don’t just listen to feedback, implement it!

Remember: Negative feedback is a gift, not a curse.

Be willing to unwrap it so you can learn from it.

P.S. In Be The First Progression for Black Lawyers, I’ll guide you through a proven process for receiving and implementing feedback effectively. If you’re a mid to senior-level black lawyer and you want to progress, I invite you to join. Enrollment for the September class opens in July! Places are limited so make sure you’re ready. Be the first to know when we open by joining the waiting list here: Be the first coaching – waiting list