Episode #41 Morning Mastery

Are you squandering your mornings? ⏰

The time between waking up and sitting down to get to work is the most valuable part of your day. But you’re not using it that way.

You’re going through the motions

You are stuck in a routine

Every day feels the same

It’s like you’re on a hamster wheel.

We’ve all been there — hitting the snooze button, over and over again. Rushing out the door feeling frazzled and behind. Hustling through the day feeling like you’re never in control of your time.

All of this will change when you master your mornings.  🌅

Get up earlier than you need to.

Schedule in time for your physical and mental health.

Set your intention for the day.

In this episode of the Legal Imposters’ podcast I show you how.

I introduce you to Morning Mastery, a proactive approach to starting the day with purpose and intention so you feel proactive and in control.

Imagine starting your day feeling energised, inspired, and with a clear perspective on how you will use the day.

Imagine the impact it will have on your day to have time to think and to know that you have prioritised your goals, your fitness and your mental health.

Imagine how calm, productive and efficient you will be as you tackle your to do list and navigate the challenges of the day💡

You can have all of this with Morning Mastery.

And if you’re not a “morning person,” don’t worry this will work for you too. Resistance  is natural. It’s not about perfection; it’s about progression.

You can progress your career, one morning at a time.

Start with just 15 minutes and commit to it for 30 days. 📅

🎧 Listen to the episode to find out how.

P.S. In Be The First Progression for Black Lawyers I give you the tools and strategy to progress your career in a white world. If you’re a mid to senior level black lawyer and you want to progress, I invite you to join. The next enrolment is coming soon. Places are limited so make sure you’re ready. Be the first to know when we open by joining the waiting list here 👉🏾 Be the first coaching – waiting list