Episode #35 Internal Validation

I’m so excited to bring you this episode on internal validation because it speaks to an important issue that comes up again and again: External validation. Perfectionism, an inability to set boundaries, playing small and difficulty coping with negative feedback – at the root of all of these problems lies an over-reliance on others for your confidence and self-esteem. This week’s episode is here to help you change that.

Coming up:

  • The 4 reasons why external validation is bad news for your career and your mental health
  • Why self-doubt is more self-indulgent than self-reflection
  • Why it’s not your boss’ responsibility to make you feel confident and valuable
  • The 9 hard questions you should be asking and answering about yourself
  • How to validate yourself ahead of time
  • The 3 benefits of internal validation

Stop relying on external validation for your confidence and self-esteem. Build confidence from the inside out.