Episode #28 Coach Yourself – Part I

Do you have a strategy for coping with the challenges life throws at you and for creating the life you want?

If the answer is no, then you’ll love this week’s episode.

Self Coaching is one of the most important and useful skills you can develop as a working parent (and just as useful if you’re not). It is the key to coping with the challenges life throws at you as well as providing a blueprint for achieving your goals.

Most people don’t do it. Maybe it’s because they don’t recognise how much control they have over their lives and think that the results they are getting are due to circumstances outside of themselves. Or perhaps it’s because they simply don’t know-how.

I’m here to change that.

If you want to get the best results in your life, coach yourself. Learn to manage your thoughts and feelings in a way that gives you access to your incredible capacity to solve problems, generate ideas and take action. This podcast is part 1 of a 2 part series that shows you how.