Episode #2: What to do when you can’t find a role model

Where are all the role models?

Are you struggling to find your role models? Is there a lack of women who you can relate to and turn to for inspiration and ideas? Is there no-one out there who embodies for you what it means to progress your career and grow a family at the same time?

I have good news. There are role models everywhere, you just need to know how to look.

A role model is not what you think it is

A role model doesn’t have to be in the same industry or organisation as you. They don’t have to be more senior than you. They don’t even have to look like you or have had a similar experience. All you need is someone who is great at the skill or quality you want to improve, and an opportunity to observe how they do it.

In this podcast:

  • 3 mistakes that stop you finding your role model
  • why the search for a role model starts with you
  • what to look for in a role model
  • why having a role model is not enough, it’s what you do with it that counts

Mentioned in this podcast:

Shonda Rhymes – see her Ted Talk: My year of saying Yes

My awesome brother Calvin – check out his Instagram page – see how different we are!

My husband Paul

Nelson Mandela

Ralph Waldo Emerson: “In my walks, every man I meet is my superior in some way, and in that I learn from him.”

Enjoy the podcast!