Free Masterclass for Lawyers with Imposter Syndrome

If you have already tried to register for the Free Masterclass, good on you! I love an early adopter. Here’s the link you need:


Otherwise, read on!

How do you want to progress?

  • Get more recognition?
  • Have better balance?
  • Feel more confident?
  • Work with less stress and more ease?

When you have Imposter Syndrome, it’s hard to imagine how you can progress any of these things. But there’s a way to progress them all, even when you have Imposter Syndrome. Let me show you how.

Free Masterclass

Join me on Monday 26th September at 18.00 UK time for How to Progress Your Legal Career When You Have Imposter Syndrome – a FREE MASTERCLASS on how to get more recognition, more confidence, better balance and how to lawyer with more ease.

Here’s what you‘ll learn:

  • The classic signs of Imposter Syndrome you know about (and the secret signs you don’t).
  • Why trying to get rid of your Imposter Syndrome is a mistake and what to do instead.
  • The workplace habits that are sabotaging your career.
  • The easiest way to stop Overworking.
  • The best way to stop Overthinking.
  • How to raise your profile without being “that person”.
  • How to build confidence that lasts.


How to Progress Your Legal Career
When You Have Imposter Syndrome

Monday 12th September, 2022 at 18.00 BST



See you there,

P. S. This Masterclass is free but you must register to attend.

P. P. S. This Masterclass covers it all. Please allow 90 minutes in your calendar.

P. P. P. S. Know a friend or colleague who would like to join? Send them this link.