Episode #50: Why Work With a Coach?

Would you consider working with a Coach?

Occasionally when I ask this question the answer is an emphatic no. When I dig a little deeper I discover that lots of you don’t know what coaching really is and how it works. In this episode, I want to change that.

Of the many myths about coaching, the one that holds many of you back is that coaching is a sign something is wrong. You see it as admitting you can’t cope or you’re just not good enough. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Working with a coach is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength. It’s about knowing you have potential and enlisting the support of an expert to help you realise it. This episode shows you how working with a Coach has changed other people’s lives, my life and how it can change yours.

Are you a lawyer who is interested in hiring me as your Coach? Get in touch.

On the Blog:

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