Episode #5: How to Get Up Early

Getting up early is the cornerstone of my work life balance strategy, and with Spring on the horizon here in the UK it’s the perfect time to try it for yourself.

If you see yourself as a night owl, I know this will sound like an impossible task. Likewise, if you’re a lawyer who works long hours, you’ll probably want to write this off as another work life balance tool that just doesn’t apply to your industry. In this episode of the Babyproof Your Career Podcast, I challenge both these views. Here’s what’s coming up:

  • A night owl or an early bird? It’s up to you to decide
  • The 3 rules of getting up early
  • Why getting up early doesn’t have to mean getting less sleep
  • Why working long hours isn’t always a good excuse
  • The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

If lying in bed until the last possible minute is working for you, then I’m not here to force you to change. But if you’re looking for a way to invite more focus, inspiration, calm and control in your life, or a way to level up, it’s time to give up the snooze button and put getting up early to the test. This podcast shows you how.

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