Episode #37 Let Go Of Perfection

This week I’m tackling one of the topics I know many of you struggle with: perfectionism. I’ve noticed that while many of you would rather not have the negative side of perfectionism – taking more time to do things, being afraid of negative feedback, the stress involved in always trying to produce to the highest standard to avoid being ‘found out’ – at the same time you are very attached to the idea of yourself as a perfectionist because of what it says about your work ethic. You see it as one of your strengths and the foundation upon which you’ve built your career.

If you are someone who struggles with perfection, seeing it as part of your identity is one of the things that are holding you back. It’s time to let it go.

In this week’s podcast I offer 6 strategies for letting go of perfection:

  1. Change how you talk about yourself.
  2. Disrupt your process by producing B- work. (Yes, you did read that right!)
  3. Plan results ahead of time

Listen to this week’s episode to discover the remaining 3 strategies and how to make them work for you. Here’s what you’ll also learn:

  1. The worst thing about perfectionism
  2. Perfectionism in the world of parenting
  3. Perfectionism and Imposter Syndrome
  4. Why the most important work you can do is to get to know yourself
  5. What’s possible when you let go of perfection

Mentioned in this podcast:

  1. Upcoming events and dates for your diary:
      1. Tuesday 19 November 2019: The Babyproof Breakfast Workshop: Confidence vs Courage – which will take you further and how do you get more of it
      2. Wednesday 4 December 2019: Build Your Profile, Raise Your Visibility hosted by Katten Muchin Rosenman
      3. Wednesday 11 December 2019: Build Your Profile, Raise Your Visibility hosted by Sidley Austin
  2. My book: Babyproof Your Career – How to balance career and family so you can enjoy it all
  3. The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch
  4. Episode 36: For Growth’s sake
  5. Episode 35: External Validation
  6. Episode 13: Courage as a tool
  7. HBR article on women needing to be 100% qualified to apply for a role