Episode #35 Real Progress

Are you thinking “To get promoted I have to work twice as hard”?

Is the thought of working twice as hard putting you off progressing to the next level?

Are your currently working twice as hard because you think it’s the only way to get promoted?

If this is you, you’re in the right place.

In this episode of Legal Imposters I explain why the thought “I have to work twice as hard” is stifling your potential and why, if you want REAL progress – i.e. for your #lawyerlife to be better than it is now – HOW you progress matters even more than where you progress to.

In this episode:

  • 2 career defining reasons to stop thinking you have to work twice as hard
  • the 4 emotions you want to feel when you think about being promoted to the next level
  • an introduction to Real Progress – what it is and why it’s the only progress that counts
  • the 3 steps to creating Real Progress
  • A special giveaway for black lawyers: a free Progression Audit that will tell you where you are vulnerable in your career right now and how to use this knowledge to create Real progress.

If you’re a black lawyer and you’re unsure about whether or how to progress your career this year, click this link 🔗 to access your FREE Progression Audit now.

Click here to download 👉🏾 Free Progression Audit