Episode #29 Plan the week, adapt the day

Just because you can’t control everything in your day, doesn’t mean you can’t control anything.

In this episode I explore the thoughts we like to believe about time and how little control we have over it.

I explain how thinking you have no control is the reason why you have so little control.

You’ll discover:

👉🏾 5 common thought errors that are keeping you stuck and making you feel powerless.

👉🏾 7 actions you’re NOT taking because you feel powerless

👉🏾 A simple 3 part framework for thinking about your tasks and planning them into your schedule so you feel more in control and can lawyer with more ease.

P.S. Taking control of your time so you can lawyer with more ease is one of the skills I teach you in Be The First Coaching for Black Lawyers. If you’re a black lawyer and you struggle with managing your time, I want to invite you to join. Enrolment for the May programme opens in March. Places are limited so I recommend joining the waiting list so you’re the first to hear. Click the link to add your name to the list now https://carolineflanagan.com/be-the-first-coaching/waiting-list/