Episode #24 How To Work On Holiday

Will you be working on holiday this year? If so, how do you feel about that?

If you’re anything like some of my clients, working on a holiday is a real problem. Even though it may be part of the culture of where they work, it still leaves them feeling frustrated, resentful and leaves their loved ones feeling alienated.

In this week’s podcast, I show you that it doesn’t have to be that way. That’s because it is not working on holiday per se that is causing your resentment and suffering, it’s your negative thoughts about working on holiday.

Discover how holding positive beliefs about working on holiday changes everything. Instead of feeling like a victim of an all-consuming job, you can be proactive and take control – managing expectations and setting boundaries before you go away, and ensuring that you are 100% present for your loved ones during the times you are not working.