You are a legal imposter.
Your Imposter Syndrome is legit.
Your Imposter Syndrome is meant to be there. It was never supposed to hold you back.
Imposter Syndrome is there to elevate you. To distinguish you. It’s there to remind you how extraordinary you are, to showcase your value and to lead you to your goals.
It isn’t your job to blend in with those who feel entitled to be here. Who were always going to end up here.
You aren’t meant to have the same opinions and references. Or to say the same things in the same words.
Where is the value in that?
There’s a reason why your journey was different. Why you followed a less conventional path to get here or started from an unconventional place.
You are unconventional.
This is your value.
The path you have taken. The challenges you’ve faced along the way. Your grit. Courage. Determination. Resourcefulness.
This is the story of your Imposter Syndrome, of how you became you.
It’s time for you to know the story that made you.
Join Imposter Syndrome Coaching and I will show you the way.
You must be a lawyer to apply.

P.S. Don’t delay. Places are limited and the application deadline is Thursday 15th December at 13.00 GMT.