
The job you do demands so much of you… Putting the client first Cancelling plans Working weekends Putting loved ones second That’s why it is incredibly important that you work all the hours you need to in order to deliver at your highest level. And not a minute more. I know you know this. But … Continued

Am I overthinking?

How many hours a day are you wasting to negative thinking?​ When you work long hours in a demanding job, it’s normal to wish you had more time. Just a few more hours in the day so you have something left over for you; for loved ones; for all those things you loved to do … Continued

Labouring over emails

Have you ever taken 20 minutes to draft a simple email? I have to confess, I used to. Sometimes longer! I used to labour over every work email I sent, no matter how important the content. First I’d write it. Then, as you’d expect, I’d read it through. But instead of just correcting any errors, … Continued

The shadow of past failure

It was such a treat speaking to a live audience this week at City law firm Sidley Austin LLP. Oh the real eye contact! The collective energy in the room! This was the launch event for their Proud To Be… series celebrating Black History Month. My keynote was, of course, “Proud To Be An Imposter”. … Continued

Are things taking longer?

Today I am feeling the love! Firstly, it’s my birthday ☺️ and I am bursting. I feel extremely grateful for my extraordinary, beautiful life (all of it, even the hard bits) and when I think of the year ahead, I am just so curious and excited. Secondly, I am still basking in the afterglow of … Continued

Feast or famine?

If I had a pound for every time I’ve heard a lawyer say “it’s either feast or famine!” I’d be able to upgrade my entire Autumn/Winter wardrobe. It’s an expression I used all the time when I was a lawyer in the City, before I understood how results are created. Fifteen years later, my clients … Continued

It doesn’t really count

One of my clients, who is a Counsel, wants to be promoted to partner. During a recent coaching session she said something very revealing: “Being a Counsel doesn’t really count” she said. “Basically I got it for free”. At my client’s firm, you are automatically promoted to Counsel after a certain number of years as … Continued

How do you see yourself?

Is your self-concept out of date? Self-concept – the way you see yourself – may not be something you think about consciously, but it is a key factor in your ability to internalise your success and create results every single day. If deep down you still see yourself as a trainee or junior associate, for … Continued