This is Just the Beginning.

Today’s webinar was about so much more than building confidence that lasts.

It was about becoming the next version of yourself. The version of you that is so grounded and secure, you can walk into any room. You can sit at any table and be heard above any noise.

I want to invite you to take a minute to just think about what that would mean for you.

Right now, you may be hesitant about becoming more confident than you are now, for fear of who you might become. You might be afraid that you’ll become “that person”. You know – the cocky or arrogant one. The one who is always bragging and putting themselves at the centre of things.

You may be afraid of what you will sacrifice, or what will change about you. Your authenticity. Your values. How approachable you are.

The better way to think, is to focus on what you will gain. Becoming the person who believes in themselves at the deepest level. Becoming the person who has the confidence to succeed. This won’t just benefit you. It will benefit everyone who is close to you.

You’re not becoming less of you.

You’re becoming the best of you.

This is just the beginning.

Enrolment for the May 2022 class of Imposter Speech Coaching is now open. The application deadline is 17th March.  Apply today to ensure I receive your application in good time.