Episode #71 Overwhelm Series Part 3: Adapt the day

In the final part of the Overwhelm Series I bring you: Adapt the plan – the essential follow on to planning the week that allows you to respond to the unknown and the unexpected and still feel in charge of the plan.

Adapting the day should only take you a few minutes and can be done at the beginning of the day before you get to work. Resist the temptation to launch into fire fighting mode. Even fire fighters have a plan and know what they will do first and what to tackle next!

Together with planning the week, adapting the plan is a skill you can learn that you’ll keep benefitting year after year. Building these skills will :

– give you more control over your work

– more time for the other things that matter

– increased capacity for your other work and for the demands you’ll face at the next level

– and, because you’re calm, in control and are better at managing your time, it will make you so much more valuable as a lawyer.

P.S. In BE THE FIRST I teach you Time Control – a set of skills that give you control over your time so you feel more in control, avoid overwhelm, have the capacity to grow to the next level and have more time for the other things that matter. If you’re a mid to senior black lawyer and you want any of this, BE THE FIRST Progression for Black Lawyers is the coaching programmae you want to be in. Book a free consult with me to find out more https://calendly.com/carolineflanagan/bethefirst