Episode #69 Overwhelm Series Part 2: Plan The Week

The better you are at managing overwhelm the more in control you will feel and the better you’ll perform.

This session is part 2 (Plan the week) of a 4 part series to help you manage overwhelm at one of the busiest times of the year (and any other time you need to).

In it I teach you one of the simplest and most effective tools for managing your time so you stop feeling overwhelmed and so your experience of being a lawyer – and other people’s experience of working with you – is a better one. Here’s what we cover:


  1. The no. 1 mistake I see lawyers making in how they think about controlling time
  2. How to spot when you’re descending into overwhelm (the earlier you spot it, the easier it is to prevent or stop it)
  3. How planning the week affects not just your ability to manage overwhelm but also improves your prospects for promotion
  4. A step by step guide to planning your week so the important things get done and you find time for the other things that matter.


P.S. In BE THE FIRST Progression for Black Lawyers I teach you Time Control where you learn how to take control of your time so you can perform to your potential and so your progression is both measurable and sustainable. If you’re a mid to senior black lawyer and you’re ready to progress to the next level, this is the programme you want to join. Book a free consult with me to find out whether BE THE FIRST is for you. Book here: https://calendly.com/carolineflanagan/bethefirst