Episode #38 Saying no to good opportunities

Just because the opportunity in front of you is a good one, doesn’t mean you should say no to it!

I know this sounds counter-intuitive. Why would I NOT accept a good opportunity? I hear you ask. The answer: when the opportunity in question is going to either distract you from your progression goal or spread you so thinly that you don’t have the time, capacity or band width to move towards it.

In Be The First Progression for Black Lawyers we are all back in the coaching room after April’s Consolidation Month – a time when we pause the formal coaching sessions and you are encouraged to fly solo towards your progression goal, drawing on the tools and strategies I have been teaching and coaching you on in the previous 12 weeks. This is a great way to reveal the obstacles that are holding you back from progressing towards your goal so that we can work on them on your return to the coaching sessions and get you back on track to your goal.