Episode #146 The Five Emotions

If you think progressing your career when you have Imposter Syndrome is all about the action, think again.

It’s the emotions that drive your actions that count. Why?

  • Because emotion lies behind everything you do.
  • Because FEAR is the emotion behind your Imposter Syndrome, driving overworking, overthinking, playing small and self sabotage – which are the behaviours keeping you stuck and stopping you progressing the way you want or need to.
  • Because if you want to progress, you need to a) be AWARE of the emotions that don’t serve you and b) learn how to TURN ON those that do.

And the good news is, you only need to master five of them!

In this podcast episode, I describe the five emotions that you need to choose to feel, and then explain how to feel them consistently and intentionally, if you are going to progress your career.

NB – confidence is not on the list!

Tune in now to find out what these five emotions are. And If you’re a lawyer with Imposter Syndrome seeking better balance, more recognition, more confidence or you just want to do your day job with a lot more ease, check out Imposter Syndrome Coaching for lawyers. Enrolment opens soon. Join the waitlist so that you’ll be the first to know!