Episode #132 How to Progress Your Law Career

The podcast episode this time is a recording of last week’s free Webinar,  How to Progress Your Law Career (without fixing your Imposter Syndrome).

You’ve tried all the tips and tricks. Power-posing. Faking it ’til you make it. Telling yourself you deserve to be here and that your success isn’t down to luck.

But none of them have worked. Not in a transformative way. They give you a boost, but the results never last. You always end up back here:

  • Overworking.
  • Overthinking.
  • Playing small.
  • Sabotaging your success.

You’re looking for a solution that will solve your Imposter Syndrome for good, so you can progress your career and get more of the recognition you deserve.

That solution is available to you now.

To stop Imposter Syndrome holding you back in your career, you must change the way you’re thinking about it. Imposter Syndrome isn’t the problem you think it is. It’s just the puzzle of who you are.  You don’t need to fix it to progress your career. You just need to solve it.

In this episode, I explain how.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  1. Why your attempts to get rid of Imposter Syndrome aren’t working for you, and what you should do instead.
  2. The 4 workplace behaviours which are holding you back and threatening to derail your career.
  3. How to normalise your Imposter Syndrome using Imposter Syndrome Mapping and how to create your career progression road map.
  4. How to process negative emotions like fear, doubt and anxiety without them holding you hostage.
  5. What the Imposter Speech is, and how to use it as a process for knowing who you are and a tool for trusting you are enough, so you can follow your Imposter Syndrome all the way to achieving your goal.

This is the strategy I teach in Imposter Speech Coaching – a career progression coaching programme for lawyers with Imposter Syndrome. When you implement this strategy,  you’ll have everything you need not only to progress your career to the next level, but to progress your career at every level. This means:

  • You’ll be more productive and efficient, so you’ll perform at a higher level.
  • You’ll have the courage to be more visible, so people know you and see your value.
  • You’ll feel calmer and more in control, instead of constantly feeling anxious and overwhelmed.
  • You’ll showcase your value, without being afraid of being “that person”.
  • You’ll set better boundaries, so you avoid the risk of burning out.
  • You’ll seize more opportunities.
  • You’ll learn from negative feedback instead of making it about you.

There’s still time to apply for the next class of Imposter Syndrome Coaching starting in July 2022, but you need to hurry. Enrolment ends tomorrow – Friday 17th June, 2022 – at midnight (BST). CLICK HERE to go straight to the application form.