Episode #1 Welcome to Legal Imposters!

Welcome to Legal Imposters! The brand new podcast for lawyers who are making Imposter Syndrome their strength and using it to their advantage in their career.

In this episode, I kick off by challenging 3 myths you may be harbouring about Imposter Syndrome:

  • That it’s ‘just you’ and that everyone else is confident and capable.
  • That Imposter Syndrome is a problem you need to get rid of or fix.
  • That Imposter Syndrome is a sign of weakness.

I then set you up for what you can expect in the coming episodes which is going to transform:

  • The way you think about your Imposter Syndrome.
  • The way you think about YOURSELF
  • The way you think about what it takes to succeed in this industry.

So if you’re a lawyer and you’re ready to stop holding yourself back, Welcome to Legal Imposters! I’m so excited you’re here and I look forward to serving you every week.

Make sure you SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss an episode. And DO PLEASE tell ALL your lawyer friends! Noone should be suffering with their Imposter Syndrome. Everyone needs to make it their strength.

P.S. In Imposter Syndrome Coaching for lawyers you follow a simple 3-step process for making Imposter Syndrome your strength and using it to your advantage. Enrolment for the next programme opens soon. Click here to join the waitlist and be the first to know.