Episode #32 Thank goodness they found me

So many clients come to me wanting to progress but at the same time feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed. When I think about the pressure they face and how their lives and careers are different as a result of the work we are doing together all I can think is: thank goodness they have me.

If you’re suffering, or just struggling to stay afloat with the endless demands being made of you, the pressure you’re subjected to and the feeling that it’s all out of your control, I want you to know I’m here for you.

I’ve got you.

You don’t have to do this on your own.

I don’t want you to still be suffering 6 months ago. I don’t want your suffering to be worse 6 months from now.

Work with me.

The Be The First Progression Programme will give you space to breath. It will give you the tools and support you need so you’re never overwhelmed and you don’t burn out. All of this while teaching you the skills that will have you outperforming your goal.

Tune in to learn how my clients’ investment in themselves is transforming their careers.

P.S. The next enrolment for the Be The First Progression Programme opens in 3 days. I only have space for 12 more people. Join the waiting list here so you are the first to know: 👉🏾

Be the first coaching

P.P. S. If you are reading this before March 22nd 2024, join me at 12.00pm GMT for my Career Masterclass for Black Lawyers – How to Progress When You’re The Only One. It’s free, just register here 👉🏾 Masterclass registration